Dredger Illinois Completes Deepwater Point Range Work

Business & Finance
Image source: GLDD

The U.S. Coast Guard said in its latest announcement that the maintenance dredging operations on the Delaware River – Deepwater Point Range – have been completed. 

The cutter suction dredger Illinois will begin pipe laying operations this week in Anchorage 5, southeast of Pea Patch Island.

According to the U.S. Coast Guard, the following safety zones will be in place during this time:

  • Safety zone one includes all the waters within a 150 yard radius of the dredge Illinois and all related dredge equipment. This safety zone will be in place for the duration of the dredging project;
  • Safety zone two includes all the waters of Pea Patch Island Anchorage 5, where submerged pipeline will be located causing a hazard to anchoring vessels.

Dredging operations will begin in New Castle Range upon completion of pipe laying operations.