Engineers Tour £350 Million Aberdeen Harbor Expansion Project

Business & Finance
Image source: British Ports

Senior Port engineers from across the UK met in Aberdeen this week to hear from experts in planning, design and construction about how the Harbor’s ambitious £350 million expansion has materialized.

Members of the British Ports Association and the UK Major Ports Group’s joint Port Infrastructure Group saw progress on construction of the north breakwater, a temporary Accropode Production Facility and the new visitor center.

Dredging began in September, designed to increase the water depth within the bay ahead of the construction of quays over the next three years. The dredging phase of the project is scheduled to be completed in September 2018 and the construction is due to be completed in 2020.

After touring the construction site and existing harbor, the group heard more details about the design and specifications as well as some of the lessons learned during the process.

Commenting on the visit, Alan Todd, Port Director at the Port of Blyth, and Chair of the Infrastructure Group, said: “British Ports are continuously looking to invest and improve their infrastructure and it was fascinating to get an overview of the journey from idea to inception that the Harbor has been through. Investment of this kind keeps the industry competitive and productive.”

The expansion will be complete in 2020 and will provide 1,400 meters of quay at water depths of up to 10.5 meters. The Port Infrastructure Group, which is  made up of 75 senior port engineers from ports all over the UK, announced that it will return to the site when the project is complete.