No More Lawsuits on Elbe River Dredging

The Federal Administrative Court in Leipzig yesterday dismissed the lawsuits brought by private property owners in Övelgönne and Blankenese against the planning decisions on the deepening of the Lower and Outer Elbe fairway.

The Port of Hamburg announced that the planning authority came rightly to the assessment that the planned dredging neither endangers the stability of the Elbe escarpment, nor will the construction phase, ship traffic noise or vibration adversely affect health or property.

The plaintiffs raised no significant objections to the specialist opinions upon which these evaluations are based. Any possible impact caused by the western extension of Eurogate container terminal on the southern banks of the Elbe that was given planning permission in November, did not have to be included by the planning authority,” the port said.

Their assessment that the fairway adjustment would have little effect on flood protection for the plaintiffs in Övelgönne can equally not be objected to. The new location for the Blankenese lighthouse line is based on faultless assessment. The planning authority has justifiably negated the claim that the lighthouse, some 70-meters high, with its light having a 4-meter diameter, would have a disturbing effect on the neighboring property, some 38-meters away, considering the surrounding vegetation and high trees,” added the port.

The Port of Hamburg concluded that at present there are no more lawsuits related to the fairway dredging before the Federal Administrative Court.