EA Chair Takes Tour of the Shoreham Adur Scheme

Business & Finance

Emma Howard-Boyd, Chair of the Environment Agency, was given a tour of the Shoreham Adur Tidal Walls scheme as part of a recent visit to the project site.

The Shoreham Adur Tidal Walls project is being carried out by Team Van Oord on behalf of the Environment Agency, Coast to Capital Local Enterprise Partnership, Adur District Council and West Sussex County Council.

Work on site started in October 2016 and the scheme is now more than 50% complete, with construction expected to finish by the end of 2018.

When complete the scheme will significantly reduce flood risk to more than 2,300 properties in Shoreham and East Lancing, as well as protecting important local infrastructure such as the road network, railway line and Shoreham Airport.

Emma Howard-Boyd, James Humphries and Andrew Gilham from the Environment Agency were given a presentation about the scheme which outlined the construction methods used and the challenges of working in close proximity to properties and businesses.

The benefits of reducing tidal flood risk to the local community were summarized and the roles and contribution of the various project partners were outlined.

The delegation was then given a short tour of the site to see first-hand what had been completed, and what remains to be done.