Sheridan Restoration Study Available for Comment

Business & Finance

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is seeking comments on the recently released draft feasibility report and integrated environmental assessment for ecosystem restoration study in Sheridan, Wyoming.

The draft report outlines a proposed plan to restore approximately three miles of degraded ecosystem along the Little Goose Creek, Big Goose Creek, and Goose Creek in Sheridan.

The proposed plan includes: placement of in-stream structures such as boulder clusters and riffles to provide habitat and shelter for fish and other aquatic organisms, restoration of wetland, riparian and floodplain habitats to increase connectivity of upstream and downstream reaches of the creeks, and modification of the current drop structure near Lewis Street Bridge to improve fish passage for native cold water fish species.

Deadline for sending comments on the proposed work is March 12, 2018.


In 1963, construction of the Sheridan flood control project was completed under the authority of the Flood Control Act of 1950. The project, designed to protect the city from Goose Creek and Little Goose Creek flood discharges, consists of levees, drainage structures, concrete chutes and drop structures, and channel alterations.

Although the flood control project is operating as intended, the ecosystem in the vicinity of the project has become severely degraded. In September 2014, the Sheridan City Council approved an agreement to partner with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers on a feasibility study to evaluate possible ecosystem restoration solutions along the creeks.