Piedroba to Host Executive Dredging Class in Panama

Business & Finance

Invited by Mr. Jorge Barakat, Minister of Maritime Affairs and head of the Autoridad Maritima de Panama (AMP), Piedroba Consulting Group (PCG) in a partnership with the Organization of American States (OAS) will teach a week-long class from April 9-13 in Panama City, Panama.  

OAS’s initiative is being run through the Inter-American Committee on Ports (CIP), who have an extensive track record of offering educational support to their Member States.

The OAS is the world’s oldest regional organization, dating back to the First International Conference of American States in 1889. Today, the OAS brings together all 35 Independent States of the Americas and constitutes the main political, juridical, and social governmental forum in the Hemisphere.

The OAS’s CIP the only permanent Inter-American government forum that brings together the National Port Authorities of all OAS Member States for the promotion of the development of competitive, safe, sustainable, and inclusive ports in the Americas with the active participation of the private sector

Previous Seminars and Classes we hosted as part of our partnership with OAS in the Dominican Republic and Peru have been positive experiences, and we are excited to spend a full week in Panama offering educational services, and exchanging experiences and information. Panama undoubtedly has a long history of delivering complex dredging projects successfully, and we look forward to a what we anticipate being an eminently interactive course,” said Dr. Luis Prieto-Portar, PCG’s Lead Instructor.

PCG plans to educate approximately 35 Port AMP officials in attendance on the different dynamics surrounding dredging projects.

The Seminar addressed topics such as: Dredge Project Design, Contract Administration, Risk Management, Site Investigations, Environmental Compliance, and Performance-Based Contracting among others.

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