Shoreham Adur Tidal Walls Scheme February Update

Business & Finance

The Environment Agency yesterday released latest update on the Shoreham Adur tidal walls scheme.

The Shoreham scheme is being carried out by Mackley as part of Team Van Oord, working on behalf of the Environment Agency, Coast to Capital Local Enterprise Partnership, Adur District Council and West Sussex County Council.

Once completed, the £31 million project will significantly reduce flood risk to more than 2,300 properties in Shoreham and East Lancing, as well as protecting important local infrastructure including roads, the railway line and Shoreham Airport.

February 2018 updates:

W1: Shoreham Fort Construction began in November 2017. The flood defense at the Harbour Club is nearly complete. The piling works are progressing well at the Sailing Club and towards the fort. Rock deliveries to form the new rock revetment began on 5 March 2018 and will continue over a 3 week period.

W2: (Emerald Quay and Sussex Wharf) The concrete work on the slipway is very advanced and work to prepare the riverside surface for installation of the flood defense is progressing well. A significant proportion of the flood glass has been installed. The Environment Agency estimates that the work will be finished at this reach before Easter 2018.

W3: (Riverside Road) The piling works are very advanced and the concrete works are well underway. The Environment Agency has started work on the tie-in to the footbridge.

W4: (Ferry Bridge) The new steel sheet-pile wall with brick clad and flint insets has been completed.

The Giken piling rig

W5: (Riverbank) Construction work began 15 January 2018. The riverbank footpath is now closed to the public, and will remain closed throughout the duration of the work. The piling works have now started and are progressing well. The Environment Agency is using a different piling technique in this area, using a machine called a Giken piling rig. This machine is a hydraulic press, which pushes the piles into the ground.

W6: (Recreation Ground) The flood defense is complete and open to the public, with the exception of the area next to the railway bridge.

W7: (Shoreham Airport) The Environment Agency are due to start flood defense construction in this area soon.

E1: (Tollbridge House) The flood defense between Star Gap and Oyster Quay is complete. Work at the Bridge Inn and Toll House is nearly finished.

E3: (Old Railway Reach) The works to the north of the Amsterdam pub have now been completed. The northern section of the Downs Link has been reopened to the public. Work to complete the section of the defense closest to the railway will be starting soon.