Ocean Reef Boat Harbor Dredging Complete

Business & Finance

Skippers will find it easier to navigate waters at Ocean Reef Boat Harbor following the recent completion of maintenance dredging by the Department of Transport (DoT) ahead of schedule and under budget.

According to DoT A/Director Maritime Planning Donna West, around $270,000 had been spent in order to remove 5,000 cubic meters of sediment from the entrance channel, near-shore areas and around the boat ramps.

The five week campaign has restored depths at the facility to the correct levels and significantly improved safety for users,” Ms West said.

Previously DoT estimated the cost of the project to be $300,000 and had expected the work to take up to two months.

Ms West also added that the project had been assisted by the understanding and cooperation of skippers and beach goers who abided by the restrictions and special arrangements in place during the work.

The work at the harbor is an important part of DoT’s regular maintenance dredging program along the WA coastline and provides ongoing safe access to and from the facility,” Ms West added.

As part of the works a cutter suction dredge was used to hydraulically pump sediment to the disposal site area located north-east of the boat harbor.

Testing confirmed that dredge material could be safely deposited on the allocated disposal site. The site will be capped with mulch to help prevent wind blown sands.

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