Refining NZ Welcomes Dredging Decision

Business & Finance

The Northland Regional Council has granted resource consent to New Zealand Refining regarding the proposed Whangarei Harbor dredging project.

According to the Council, on the basis of the assessment of effects on the environment, consideration of the measures proposed to offset or compensate adverse effects, and consideration of the relevant objectives and policies of the statutory provisions, they concluded that the project is unlikely to have any significant adverse effects on the environment and is generally consistent with the relevant statutory planning documents and provisions.

Refining NZ welcomed the decision of the hearings panel appointed by the Council to grant resource consents for this dredging project.

We are currently reviewing the detailed consent conditions proposed by the Panel and may have more to say once this process has been completed,” said Refining NZ. “This critical project will improve freight economics and hence, the Company’s refining margin, by allowing larger crude cargoes of around 1 million barrels to be shipped to Marsden Point.”

Refining NZ expects that the cost of the proposed Whangarei Harbor dredging project is to reach $37 million.