Mamaroneck-Sheldrake River Project on the Way

Business & Finance

U.S. Senate Charles E. Schumer, U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand and U.S. Representative Eliot Engel have announced they were successful in securing authorization to continue to move forward with the Mamaroneck-Sheldrake River project in the final, bipartisan agreement for the 2018 WRDA, which passed the Senate on Wednesday and passed the House last week.

The federal representatives said that without progress on this essential project, residents and business owners in the area remain at risk of severe flooding.

Floods have devastated the Village of Mamaroneck, and ensuring their infrastructure is shored up and capable of protecting the village from the storms of the future is absolutely critical for both the regional economy and public safety,” said Senator Schumer. “Simply put, we can’t wait any longer before we implement a better flood protection plan for the whole community, which is why we fought so hard to have the Mamaroneck-Sheldrake River project authorized in the 2018 WRDA bill.

We are seeing stronger storms hitting New York, and the resulting flooding has devastated our communities. This provision will authorize the Army Corps of Engineers to design and construct a flood risk management project for the Village of Mamaroneck,” said Senator Gillibrand, member of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee. “The lives and livelihoods of New Yorkers are at stake, which is why I fought in the Environment and Public Works Committee to make sure that this provision was included in this year’s WRDA bill.

The flood problem in Mamaroneck is something my colleagues and I have been working on for some time,” said Congressman Engel. “I’ve toured the effected flood zones on several occasions with the Army Corps of Engineers and have seen firsthand the devastating effect this persistent problem has had for my constituents and the local businesses. The inclusion of the Mamaroneck-Sheldrake River project in this year’s WRDA will ensure that this vital project moves forward, bringing us one large step closer to fixing this issue.

The project, once complete, will include the construction of retaining walls and a diversion culvert, and will enable the deepening and widening of river channels, structure elevation, and the removal/replacement of 2 vehicular bridges that constrict flood flow. According to the reps, the recommended plan is estimated to reduce average annual damages by approximately 87 percent and will help reduce the risk of loss of life.