USACE Walla Walla: Gooding Diversion Work Starts

Business & Finance

The U. S. Army Corps of Engineers contractors will today kick off work to rehabilitate several flood-damaged areas of the Gooding Diversion Flood Reduction Project, located on the Little Wood River in Gooding County, Idaho. 

Image source: USACE

The safety way diversion structure and bank channel were damaged by sustained high flows during the 2017 flood season.

USACE’s Walla Walla District awarded a contract September 5, 2018, to Sound & Sea Technology, Inc., a small business from Lynnwood, Washington, for approximately $372,838 to repair the diversion structure and channel.

The rehabilitation project work will require about a month to complete, said USACE.

The Corps of Engineers has authority under Public Law 84-99 to supplement local efforts in the repair of both federal (Corps-constructed, locally operated and maintained) and non-federal (constructed by non-federal interests or by the Work Projects Administration) flood risk management projects damaged by flooding events.