South Australia: 2018 State of the Environment Report Released

Business & Finance

The Environment Protection Authority has released South Australia’s State of the Environment Report, making a number of recommendations to help safeguard South Australia’s environment, with a strong focus on preparing for a changing climate.

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The Environment Protection Act 1993 requires the Environment Protection Authority to publish a report on the state of the South Australian environment at least every five years.

Minister for Environment and Water, David Speirs, said that the State Government was considering the EPA’s important report in detail.

“This report provides a wealth of information about the challenges facing our state, that can be used to help shape government policy and actions in the future,” said Minister Speirs.

“I hope that it will also stimulate discussion in our community about our unique and precious environment, and the steps that each of us can take to protect it.

“One of the report’s key recommendations is that the State Government reviews its climate change response, ensuring that climate risks are embedded in all future planning and investment.

Environment Protection Authority Board Presiding Member, Catherine Cooper, added that that the report assesses the state and condition of South Australia’s major environmental resources and identifies significant trends in environmental quality, and shows that, while South Australia was doing reasonably well, in some areas there are serious challenges to be met.