USACE Highlights Importance of Sediment Beneficial Reuse

Business & Finance
Image source: USACE

The U.S. Army Corps Of Engineers Headquarters Deputy Commanding General for Civil and Emergency Operations Maj. Gen. Scott Spellman, South Pacific Division Commander Brig. Gen. Kim Colloton and Los Angeles District Commander Col. Aaron Barta yesterday conducted a tour with the USACE partners Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach.

Image source: USACE

The port boat tour consisted of discussions on the importance of the port to the region/Nation and successful joint efforts on dredging management, sediment beneficial reuse and future projects.

USACE, the Port of Los Angeles and the Port of Long Beach have been partners for over 100 years.

In 2009, the ports developed and adopted the Port of Los Angeles and Port of Long Beach Water Resources Action Plan (WRAP).

The purpose of the WRAP is to provide the framework and mechanisms for the Ports to carry out their mission to protect and enhance water and sediment quality.

Dredging, disposal, and the long-term management of contaminated sediments in the Los Angeles region are overseen by the Los Angeles Contaminated Sediments Task Force (CSTF).

Image source: USACE