Comments Sought on St. Louis River Dredging Project

Business & Finance

Mont du Lac Recreation is seeking a permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District, to dredge 2.4 acres of the St. Louis River in Mont Du Lac Bay and to discharge fill material into 0.07-acre of its adjacent wetlands.

According to the Corps, the proposed project – located Douglas County, Wisconsin – involves dredging to deepen an area of shallow marsh and shallow open water in Mont Du Lac Bay measuring approximately 215 feet long by 11 feet wide and dredging a channel to the St. Louis River approximately 925 feet long by 30 feet wide to allow for boat access and docking.

USACE also added that the area would be dredged to a depth of 6.5 feet mean low water datum with 4:1 side slopes. It is anticipated that the dredging would be completed via mechanical methods using amphibious excavation and material transport equipment. Dredged material would be transported to an upland area for stockpiling and dewatering.

The project also includes the construction the construction of a canoe/kayak launch and associated access path and installation of a pier with four boat slips.

The deadline for sending comments on the proposed work is February 11, 2019.