VIDEO: Restoring Hickling Broad

Business & Finance

The official channel of the Broads Authority, the body responsible for looking after the Broads Park in Norfolk and Suffolk, UK, has just released this amazing video about the dredging and reed bed restoration operations at Hickling Broad.

In the video, sediment is being dredged from the channel at Hickling Broad in the Broads Park, than pumped into an area known as ‘Chara Bay’, set to be used to fill large geotextile bags which will prevent the an area of restored reedswamp from being swept away by the wind and waves from the broad.

The works began in 2018 and will take place over three winters to create 1ha of new land into Hickling Broad, using 19,000m3 of dredged sediment. The works are being undertaken by the Broads Authority as part of the INTERREG funded CANAPE project (Creating A New Approach to Peatland Ecosystems).