Dredging Work Begins on City of Armstrong’s Meighan Creek

Business & Finance

The City of Armstrong, located in the North Okanagan of the Canadian province of British Columbia, said in their latest release that an approval to perform maintenance work on Meighan Creek was granted recently by the Provincial Government. 

Homes along Meaghan Creek were flooded the last two years, with 2017 being the heaviest flooding.

The City Mayor, Chris Peiper and city officials started looking for permission to dredge the creek immediately after the 2017 flood, but were drowning in red tape before they managed to get approval, reports Castanet.

Commenting the latest news, Chris Peiper said that the dredging operations will go from the Askews mall to Paterson Avenue: “Which is basically all the way through town. It’s over a kilometer long. We are doing our due diligence. We only want the water to pass through town we can’t control it coming in and we can’t control it going out. We just don’t want it to stop on Armstrong.”

The dredging work, conducted by Arise Contracting Inc., started last week and it is expected that this cleanup scheme will be wrapped up by March 31, 2019.