Great Lakes Dredge Busy in Carteret County

Business & Finance

For the last couple of days, dredges Dodge Island and Padre Island have been busy working on the Morehead City Harbor Federal Navigation Project.

According to the Carteret County Shore Protection Office, the third dredge, the Liberty Island will be also transiting to Morehead City Harbor with dredging/pumping activities scheduled to initiate Friday afternoon/early evening (3/8/19) subsequent to mandatory vessel inspections.

The County also added that second federal contract for the Morehead City Harbor maintenance, which represents a carryover project from the previous fiscal year, was also awarded to Great Lakes Dredge & Dock utilizing a pipeline dredge.

The dredging will remove approx. 1,600,000 cubic yards of sand from both the Cutoff and Range A utilizing either the nearshore berm east or west disposal sites, and will likely start sometime in April, the officials said.

Around 945,446 cubic yards of sand obtained from the Offshore Dredged Material Disposal Site (ODMDS) associated with Morehead City Federal Navigation Project will be used for the Post Florence Renourishment Project.

Emerald Isle (EI), Indian Beach (IB), and the unincorporated area of Salter Path (SP) will receive 617,131 cy, 271,905 cy, and 56,410 cy, respectively along 5.2 miles of shorelines.

The Post Florence Project is scheduled to be conducted between the March 1 to April 30, 2019.