Congressman Wittman Pushes for Port of Virginia Deepening

Business & Finance

Virginia Congressman Rob Wittman has testified before the House Appropriation’s subcommittee on Energy and Water Development, and Related Agencies advocating for the funding necessary to widen and deepen the Port of Virginia.

Image source: USACE

The Port of Virginia is a national gateway for waterborne commerce, supporting businesses in all 48 contiguous states. Currently, the Port of Virginia is the fifth largest container port complex in the U.S and manages cargo ranging from containers, vehicles and non-containerized cargoes, and commodities ranging from forest products, minerals, and grains to auto parts and retail merchandise.

According to Congressman Wittman, cargo moving through the port operations helps support 530,000 jobs across Virginia and generates $88.4 billion in annual economic impact in Virginia.

“Widening to 1,400 ft. will make way for safe and efficient two-way passage between larger commercial vessels and other operators in the Harbor and Channels including the Navy,” Wittman said in its latest release.

“With a Benefit-Cost-Ratio of more than $5 returned for $1 invested in construction, the Norfolk Harbor deepening and widening presents a huge return on investment for the nation. It will allow American businesses from across the country to further benefit from the Port of Virginia as an integral part of their supply chain.”

To continue momentum exhibited by WRDA 2018 and the $2.5 million included in the President’s FY20 Budget for Pre-Construction Engineering and Design for the Thimble Shoals Channel widening and deepening, Congressman Wittman has requested $2.6 billion in total funding for USACE Construction Account, $50 million in total funding for the USACE Operations and Maintenance Account, Donor & Energy Transfer Program, $1.59 billion in total funding for the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund, and at least one construction start OR “New Start” designation for navigation.