USACE to Hold Update on Miami Harbor Navigation Study

Business & Finance

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Jacksonville District staff will host a public teleconference April 26 from 11 a.m. to noon to provide an update on the ongoing Miami Harbor Navigation Improvement Study and to provide information on the study progress and upcoming milestones.

The navigation improvement study began in September of 2018 to evaluate existing navigation restrictions that contribute to delays and transportation cost inefficiencies, the restrictions that current channel depths and widths pose to ships that transit the harbor, and how the harbor contributes to the national economic development.

Current alternatives under consideration in addition to the no action plan include widening and/or deepening specific areas within Miami’s federally authorized channels.

Issues that are anticipated include concern for hardbottom/reef communities, turbidity and sedimentation associated with dredging operations, seagrasses, threatened and endangered species, and cultural, commercial and recreational resources.

The April 26 update will review ongoing and future engineering, economic, and environmental tasks.