Silver Lake Dredging Update

Business & Finance

Washington County Planning and Parks Department has just released the latest update on the Silver Lake Dredging Project, saying that they are now allowing the dredged sediment to be stored on county property at Henschke Hillside Lake Access.

Image source: Washington County Planning & Parks Department

This sediment (6-18 inches of the lake floor) is being removed from the lake by the Silver Lake Association as an aquatic invasive species management practice. There is also a side dredging project by several landowners in the channel for navigational purposes.

By removing the silt, the bulbils (the “roots”) of the species starry stonewart will be taken out of Silver Lake and control the proliferation in the lake.

Eco Waterways is the company contracted to dredge and the project is managed by the Silver Lake Protection and Rehab District.

Once the sediment is removed, its water content will be drained using geotextile (dewatering) bags.

The project is set to be completed this summer.