District Commander Visits West Coast Dredging Project

Business & Finance

Last week, the Army Corps’ Portland District Commander, Col. Aaron Dorf, took a tour of a dredging project near Wauna, Oregon.

Manson Bayport dredge/ USACE photo

The commander went aboard the Bayport, a contract hopper dredge removing sediment up and down the West Coast.

Each year, during the summer months, Portland District manages a contract to dredge several West Coast navigation channels where the need is greatest, removing more than 4 million cubic yards of material, on average.

The 2019 West Coast Hopper Maintenance Dredging contract is being managed by Manson Construction Co., from Seattle, Washington.

The scheme includes three locations: Humboldt Bay Bar and Entrance, California; Columbia River, Oregon/Washington – from River Mile 3+00 to 105+00; and Mouth of the Columbia River, Oregon/Washington.

Right now, the Bayport is hard at work on the Lower Columbia River near Longview, Washington.

During the works, approximately 3.2 million cubic yards of material will be removed from the Columbia in 2019.