Anaklia Development Consortium Opts for Eiffage

Business & Finance

Anaklia Development Consortium has appointed Eiffage, a French civil engineering construction company, as the general construction contractor for the Phase 1 of Anaklia Deep Sea Port.

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According to the Anaklia Development Consortium’s latest announcement, the French giant will provide the construction of the first phase for Anaklia Port together with its local and international partner companies: Dutch ABB and Georgian CRP.

“A number of leading international construction and engineering companies participated in the tender to become the general contractor of the Anaklia Port. The tender was held by Anaklia Development Consortium in several stages and was finalized with the appointment of Eiffage as the selected contractor,” according to the release.

Construction works of Anaklia Port Phase 1 include the following marine works: 1000m long breakwater, three berths with up to one kilometer long and land-based works: container, bulk, and intermodal yards, 34km overhead transmission line, etc.

Under the agreement, Eiffage will complete the construction works of the Phase 1 of Anaklia Deep Sea Port and according to the agreed terms, will employ 90% of the construction workforce among the local, Georgian market. An estimated 1000 people will be employed during the construction phase of the project.

The French company has already actively engaged the finalization of the detailed design of Phase 1 of the Anaklia Port.