Southsea Coastal Defense Designs Submitted for Planning

Business & Finance

Work to build new sea defenses which will ensure the safety of more than 8000 properties and 700 businesses took a step forward as the planning application for the Southsea Coastal Scheme was submitted for approval to the local planning authority, the Portsmouth City Council reports. 

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“The Scheme, which has been in development since the first consultation in 2014, has worked closely with the public through a range of consultation events and workshops where various proposals have been shaped to produce a final design which achieves both the level of protection required, whilst also maintaining and enhancing the seafront which is treasured by the Portsmouth public and appreciated by visitors from around the UK and indeed the world,” the council said in its latest release.

The planning authority will now conduct a period of statutory public consultation as part of the planning process.

Councillor Dave Ashmore, cabinet member for environment and climate change at Portsmouth City Council, said: “The amount of proactive engagement with the public throughout the entire scheme has been fantastic. I’ve enjoyed talking to various Portsmouth residents at these events to understand how they use the seafront and which elements are important to them. We’ve taken this on board and now have a design which has been shaped together with the public.”

Applications have also been submitted for the marine licence and listed building consents as part of the scheme.

If approvals are obtained, construction on the first section of defenses at Long Curtain Moat will begin in 2020.