Mosman Park Secures Funds for Coastal Projects

Business & Finance
Mayor Pollock (center) pictured at Point Roe with Cr Andrew Maurice (left) and Cr Andrew Baird (right), Image source:

The Western Australia’s Town of Mosman Park has secured grant funding to care for both its Indian Ocean coastline and Swan River bank in two separate announcements by the State Government in recent days.

Mayor Pollock (center) us pictured here at Point Roe with Cr Andrew Maurice (left) and Cr Andrew Baird (right), Image source:

In partnership with the City of Fremantle, the Town successfully applied for a Coastal Adaptation and Protection grant – the Port Leighton and Mosman Beach coastal monitoring program (Year 2), provided by the Western Australian Department of Transport at a value of $12,500.

The grant will continue the work that began with last year’s grant-funded project, which commenced the monitoring of the stretch of coastline from Mosman Beach to Port Beach, as recommended in the Coastal Hazard Risk Management Adaption Plan (CHRMAP).

The CHRMAP, endorsed by council in November 2017, identifies risks to coastal assets, and community values, from the coastal processes of sea level rise, coastal erosion and accretion, and inundation and developed a planning and management response to those risks.

Commenting the latest news, Mayor of Town of Mosman Park, Brett Pollock, said that he was delighted that the State Government had recognized the importance of the maintenance and preservation of the Town’s ocean and river frontages and looked forward to a continued partnership that would monitor, restore and protect these zones into the future.