DonJon Wins $43.4 Million Newark Bay Dredging Job

Business & Finance

DonJon Marine Co. Inc., from Hillside, New Jersey, has signed a $43.4 million contract for the Newark Bay Maintenance Dredging Program.

Image source: USACE

Bids for this project were solicited via the internet with three received, according to the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD).

Work will be performed in Newark, New Jersey, with an estimated completion date of May 14, 2020.

Under the agreement, the dredged material will be processed and subsequently transported to and placed at the contractor furnished, State permitted upland placement sites.

The proposed maintenance dredging is set to remove approximately 600,000 cubic yards of selected critical shoals from the Main and Port Newark Channels of Newark Bay.

Dredging in these channels would be required to a depth of -40 feet Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW) plus 1 foot allowable overdepth.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York District, is the contracting activity.