New DSC Cutter Suction Dredger for Azerbaijan

Business & Finance

DSC Dredge, a Louisiana based company involved in customized dredging solutions, won bid for a new, non-propelled, cutter suction head dredge solicited by The Marine Design Center (MDC) of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) earlier this month.

“When completed, the new cutter suction head dredge will operate out of Astara, Azerbaijan to not only maintain the harbor depth and harbor entrance but the US Government is purchasing this dredge for the country of Azerbaijan as a part of Azerbaijan’s support of the US in anti-terrorism efforts,” DSC said in its release.

The acquired dredge is based on its 10” Wolverine Class dredge but will receive design modifications to meet the client’s specifications.

Commenting the latest news, Bob Wetta,  President & CEO of DSC, said: “This is exciting for DSC Dredge for many reasons; not only because the country of Azerbaijan surpasses our global reach of 45 countries that we supply dredges to, but also, the design changes are believed to enhance the current design of the Wolverine Class dredge itself.”

The contract will be handled in three phases:

  • Phase I, the Government will review the dredge design and confirm it complies with the requirements;
  • Phase II involves DSC dredge world-class team who, as they manufacture the vessel, will demonstrate its performance through successful testing at their Greenbush facility;
  • Phase III entails DSC Dredge reassembling and reactivating the dredge at its final destination site in Azerbaijan. During this phase, full vessel performance with the dredge in the water will be demonstrated.