Wasa Dredging Ready for Pampus Project in Sweden

Business & Finance
Image source: Wasa

Wasa Dredging, a Finnish water construction company, is making final preparations to begin a dredging project at the Pampus container and breakbulk terminal in the Norrköping Harbor, Sweden.

Image source: Wasa

According to Wasa, for this $9.3 million cleanup program they will use the backhoe dredger Harald, combined dredger and drilling rig Boulder, split-barges Jenna and Laura and 2 tugboats.

Scope of the work

  • Under this dredging scheme, around 50.000m3 of polluted material will be removed from the area. All the polluted material will be transported by trucks to an approved disposal location;
  • 800.000m3 of soft material – set to be disposed at close-by-sea disposal – will also be removed from the Pampus spots;
  • Underwater blasting of 60.000m3 of bedrock;
  • The project will also include dredging of 140.000m3 of blasted rock, to be disposed at close-by-sea disposal;
  • Turbidity measurements will be executed daily at 7 different measurement points, at 3 different depths.

The dredging operations are set to begin in November 2019.