Freeport Dredging Project Step Closer

Business & Finance

The Government of Liberia through the Management of the National Port Authority (NPA) announced recently that efforts are being advanced to ensure the dredging of the Freeport of Monrovia.

An NPA Release issued in Monrovia last week said that the upcoming dredging exercise is part of series of plans for greater accomplishments for the Port Sector in the new year and years ahead.

The exercise according to the release, will be executed in line with best practice to accommodate larger and wilder vessels, provide for safe navigation and ensure improved trade and commerce.

As reported, the planned dredging exercise follows a SAFE MEMO reducing draft requirement– limiting the size of vessels that could come in because the entrance channel has reduced as a result of siltation buildup over a three year period.

The Freeport of Monrovia was dredged only two times within the last eight years (between 2012 and 2017) prior to the upcoming exercise.

As part of the scheduled dredging exercise, safe navigational buoy that sitting ashore as a result of siltation built-up will be recovered and repositioned in order to continue facilitating 24 hours safe vessel movements.

NPA Managing Director, Bill Twehway expressed delight that the dredging exercises will accommodate the global trending where vessels are becoming bigger in order to accomplish economy of scale and discharging of more cargoes for multiple consignees on a single trip.

It is also expected that cargo throughput at the Freeport of Monrovia will be increased thereby accommodating bigger and wilder vessel safely and reliably,Bill Twehway said.

He further expressed optimism that going forward, it will no longer take three to five years before dredging is done; but assured that the required two years maintenance dredging will be carried out accordingly in order to keep attracting bigger and larger vessels.