J.F. Brennan Completes Massey’s Ditch Dredging

Business & Finance

J.F. Brennan Company of La Crosse, Wisc., has just completed work on the Massey’s Ditch dredging project, reports the Dredging Contractors of America.

Image source: J.F. Brennan

During the works, more than 100,000 cubic yards of dredged material was removed from channels including the entrance to Baker’s Channel, on the north side of Lynch Thicket Island, and a large shoal between the south end of Lynch Thicket Island and Middle Island.

The dredged material is primarily (98%) sand and was used to re-nourish the beach north of the inlet providing erosion and storm damage protection to the Route 1 bridge approach. It’s also used to restore the beach area.

The Division of Watershed Stewardship supports the beneficial use of dredged material. This project cleared sand from a shoaled channel and placed it on the eroding beach area, is a shining example of efficient and beneficial use of dredged material.

Massey’s Ditch, an important navigation channel that runs between Rehoboth Bay and Indian River Bay. The waterway is now dredged to a width of 100 feet and a depth of 7.5 feet below Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW).