Oceanside Harbor Dredging in Full Swing

Business & Finance

As of yesterday, Manson Construction has dredged around 100,000 cubic yards of sand from the entrance channel of Oceanside Harbor, the city officials reported on social media Wednesday.

image source: City of Oceanside Harbor

They also added that Manson had been expecting 9′ swells and moved the dredge HR Morris vessel back into the harbor to dredge shoaling that has been accumulating along side the outer jetty.

The swells never occurred and it looks like good conditions for the foreseeable future,” the city officials said. “They have sunk the dredge pipe across the channel in order to create a navigational path to enter/exit the Harbor. They intend to keep the dredge pipe under water for the duration.”

At the moment, the dredge pipe outlet is being moved from north of the Pier to the south where it will stay for the next couple of days.

The contractor expects to move the dredge outlet pipe to Tyson Street after they finish at the south of the Pier.

Based on the information today, Manson expects to complete earlier than the previously announced date of April 17.