The Patriot to dredge Coos Bay harbor

American Construction Company has been contracted by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to perform maintenance dredging in the Coos Bay harbor from River Miles 12 to 15, beginning on or around July 1, 2020.

Port of Coos Bay

Dredging was also conducted in this section of the Federal Navigation Channel throughout the summer of 2019. This section of the Upper Bay spans from the Oregon Chip Terminal to the Georgia Pacific Sawmill site.

Prior to the dredging work that took place in 2019, this section of the channel had not been dredged since 2010. Maintenance dredging work will be performed continuously, 24 hours per day and 7 days per week, and is scheduled to be completed October 31, 2020.

It is estimated that approximately 1,000,000 cubic yards of material will be removed from the channel and placed offshore at Ocean Disposal Site H.

American Construction Company will utilize the clamshell dredge “The Patriot” to load two split hull scows, the “Liberty” and the “Freedom”. The scows will be towed by Pacific Tug Company to the offshore material placement site.

The Coos Bay Federal Navigation Channel is 15.1 miles long from the mouth of the bay to its furthest reach. The authorized depth of the channel is currently -37’ Mean Lowest Low Water (MLLW), and its authorized nominal width is 300’.

This project is critical to ensuring that deep draft vessels can transit throughout the harbor, a major component of local and regional economies.