Cleveland Harbor dredged material plan on display

Business development

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Buffalo District, and the Cleveland Harbor stakeholders have released a scoping information packet to begin a dredged material management plan for Cleveland Harbor.

Jess Levenson, USACE

The purpose of the scoping packet is to disseminate information regarding the development of a 20 year dredged material management plan for Cleveland Harbor, Ohio. 

This scoping information seeks to elicit any comments or recommendations from the general public or potentially affected parties with respect to the management of dredged sediment from the federal navigation channels in Cleveland Harbor. 

Implementation of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requires that federal agencies initiate “an early and open process for determining the scope of issues to be addressed and to identify any significant issues related to the proposed action” to provide an opportunity to anyone wishing to provide written comments.

“Across the Great Lakes the Corps of Engineers is looking for ways to work collaboratively with stakeholders on dredged material management, and that starts with a plan like the one here in Cleveland.  Working closely with our Cleveland Harbor stakeholders, we plan to evaluate all possible placement options to identify a long term solution for dredged sediment in the harbor,” said LTC Jason Toth, USACE Buffalo District Commander.

“An array of alternatives will be evaluated based on costs, benefits, technical feasibility, environmental acceptability and stakeholder input. In the end the DMMP will outline a primary and backup/emergency plans to help align future federal and non-federal funding requests and projects.”

Comments may be submitted through July 24, 2020 to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Buffalo District, Environmental Analysis Team,