Prestigious recognition for Lewiston native

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The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mississippi Valley Division, recently selected St. Paul District Channels and Harbors Section Supervisor and Lewiston, Minnesota, resident Steve Tapp as the division’s nominee for the national Outstanding Civilian of the Year Award.

Emily Chavolla, USACE

The award recognizes a civilian’s contributions and support to the Corps of Engineers, including civil works, humanitarian and community achievements.

Tapp was nominated for his work with the Corps’ navigation and resource agency partners and the inland dredging community maintaining the Upper Mississippi River’s 9-foot navigation channel.

According to USACE, Tapp has worked for the Corps since 1985. He is the co-chair of the River Resource Forum and a member of the Mississippi Valley Division Regional Shallow Draft Dredging Team.

As a member of these teams, Tapp works to balance navigation needs to maintain the navigation channel with the Corps’ environmental commitments.