Government: $7M for Carnarvon Fascine solution

Business development

The McGowan Government has allocated $7 million to help solve access issues at the Carnarvon Fascine as part of the $5.5 billion WA Recovery Plan.

Donna West

The funding will see immediate measures implemented to assist with access to the fascine, a long standing issue for Carnarvon residents and visitors.

The $7 million will also go towards delivering a permanent solution for access from options developed by the Fascine Entryway Project Steering Committee.

Specialised equipment will be installed next month to collect further data that can be used with recent hydrographic survey results – while necessary environmental approvals are sought – to finalise a plan for the fascine to provide year-round access to the waterway for all craft.

A study identifying options for optimal permanent solutions to Fascine access issues has been recently completed by the Shire of Carnarvon and the Fascine Entryway Project Steering Committee has been established to help advance and guide the project.

Regional Development Minister, Alannah MacTiernan, said: “The Shire of Carnarvon, the Department of Transport, the Gascoyne Development Commission and the Carnarvon Yacht Club have shown their commitment to a finding a long-term solution to this problem that has beset Carnarvon for many years.

“The dedicated work of these groups in implementing an earlier trial dredging campaign is acknowledged and demonstrates the level of community support for a solution to the problem.”

Members of the Fascine Entryway Project Steering Committee include representatives from the Shire of Carnarvon, the Department of Transport, the Gascoyne Development Commission and the Carnarvon Yacht Club

The Carnarvon Fascine project was identified as a worthy recipient as part of $300 million in community and sports infrastructure funding allocated across Western Australia to generate work for local small businesses and contractors.