Komandoo upgrade work in full swing


The harbor development and upgrade works at Sh. Komandoo are well underway, with overall 73% project progress, the Maldives Transport and Contracting Company (MTCC) reports.


“The installation of quay wall blocks is now complete, and concreting work is ongoing on the insitu wall & capping beam of quay wall structures,” said MTCC in their latest release.

Additionally, project works include maintenance of new harbor basin – dredging of 35, 348cbm; channel dredging work (14,371cbm); breakwater construction; revetment construction; construction of 190m of quay wall; installation of 1,991 sqm pavement and installation of navigation lights.

The estimated value of the project is $1.9 million.

The equipment for this project was mobilized on 8th December 2019.