VIDEO: Conowingo Dam – The Facts on Dredging

Exelon Corporation has just released this very interesting video named Conowingo Dam: The Facts on Dredging and Sediment.

One of the biggest threats to the health of the Chesapeake Bay is upstream runoff that brings sediment and nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorous into the river, which flows into and can harm the Bay.

“Some people think the Dam is responsible for this harm … but that’s simply not true,” said Deena O’Brian, Senior Communications Manager, Exelon Corporation.

View on Youtube.

In fact, the Conowingo Dam has served as Maryland’s largest source of reliable and renewable energy for 90 years.

Additionally, in keeping with their commitment to environmental stewardship, dam operators prevent more than 600 tons of debris from entering the Chesapeake Bay each year.

During severe weather, operators must open the dam’s floodgates to protect local towns from flooding and preserve the integrity and safety of the dam.