Michels Corporation’s Deep Foundations builds breakwater VIDEO

Business development

Michels Corporation’s Foundations operations rebuilt 1,250-feet of the South Breakwall in the harbor of Sheboygan, WI, earlier this year.

Michels Corporation

Steel sheet piles were used in an underwater internal bracing system. Also, the new structure was filled with a few thousand tons of clear stone and scour stone.

Furthermore, all equipment was placed on barges for this marine construction project on Lake Michigan.

Equipment to install the sheet piles includes the barges, a boom crane, tugboats, loaders and excavators.

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In December 2019, Michels Corporation was subcontracted by USACE to perform the marine construction scopes of work on the Sheboygan Harbor South Breakwater Repair Project.

In fact, the breakwater extends approximately 1,250 feet into Lake Michigan and is a crucial safeguard for the harbor.