Port of Townsville Channel Upgrade on display

Business development

An Independent Technical Advisory Committee (ITAC) will provide a virtual update to the public on the Port of Townsville’s $193 million Channel Upgrade project on December 2, 2020.

Port of Townsville Limited

This public session will cover:

  • Progress toward water quality thresholds;
  • Baseline status of seagrass and coral in Cleveland Bay;
  • Drafting of the Port’s Dredge Management Plan.

The Townsville Port Channel Upgrade is a joint project of the Queensland and Australian governments, and the Port of Townsville.

The Channel Upgrade project forms part of the Townsville City Deal signed in December 2016.

The program will take about five years in total. The first years included preparation works, followed by rock supply and construction of the rock wall.

Capital dredging for channel widening and filling of the reclamation area will complete the project.

The majority of channel widening activity will occur closer to the Port. Only 10 percent of channel widening activity will occur in the sea channel.