North Sea beach replenishment nears end


Southampton Town officials have announced that the project to replenish the beachfront at the North Sea beach is nearing completion.  

Southampton Town, Connie Conway

Town officials said that the small waterfront community has been taxing themselves to repay the Town of Southampton, NY, $340,000 in bonds approved by the Town Board to pay for the project. 

Commenting the latest news, Southampton Town Supervisor Jay Schneiderman said: “This is the work of so many who came together to protect this beach.”

“The homeowners took the lead on this and asked for our help to make it happen and the County Department of Public Works moved quickly to get this project done before winter.”

Southampton Town, Connie Conway photo

In fact, up to 15,000 cubic yards of sand will be placed in front of the 62 properties that line the North Sea Beach. 

Upon completion, this project will help prevent storm erosion and help stabilize the beach.