Buckroe Beach nourishment plan on the table


The City of Hampton, VA, is proposing to construct a beach replenishment (nourishment) project along 3,483 linear feet of shoreline at Buckroe Beach. 


Under the plan, a contractor will place sandy beach nourishment material along the channelward side of the existing bulkhead at Buckroe Park, and would extend no more than 465 feet channelward of mean high water into the Chesapeake Bay. 

The proposed beach nourishment would result in impacts to approximately 4.99 acres of intertidal non-vegetated wetlands and 25.37 acres of subaqueous bottom. 

USACE photo

During the initial beach nourishment cycle, the applicant proposes to hydraulically dredge approximately 275,000 cubic yards of material from Horseshoe Shoals borrow area located approximately 2 miles offshore, to a maximum depth of -30 below feet mean low water, including overdredge.

The amount of sandy dredged material needed to restore the beach to the original design parameters during each future maintenance beach nourishment cycle will be dependent on the amount of erosion that occurs along shoreline over the life of the permit. 

The deadline for submitting the comments for this coastal project is January 9, 2021.