Lt. Gen. Spellmon visits USACE Memphis District

Lt. Gen. Scott Spellmon, the 55th Chief of Engineers and Commanding General of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, is visiting the Memphis District today to get a first-hand look at some ways the District is supporting the USACE Civil Works mission and the Mississippi River and Tributaries Project.


Memphis District Commander Col. Zachary Miller, Project Manager Zachary Cook and Hydrographic Survey Technician Danny Hunt took Lt. Gen. Spellmon on a guided tour of the main stem Mississippi River in one of the District’s survey boats.

USACE photo

The District team discussed the navigation mission and showed the Chief some construction and maintenance features it uses to maintain a safe and dependable river channel.

They also explained the District’s important role in delivering the Mississippi River Channel Improvement Project and its value to the nation.

Stabilization and protection of the riverbanks are important to the flood control and navigation components of the Project. 

Channel improvement and stabilization measures serve to protect flood control features and to ensure the desired alignment of the river’s navigation channel. 

This is accomplished by the following:

  • Cutoffs – to shorten the river and reduce flood heights;
  • Revetment – to stop the river’s meandering;
  • Dikes – to direct the flow and deepen the channel;
  • Improvement – dredging to realign the channel.