More successful dredging projects for Rohde Nielsen

Operations & Maintenance

In 2020 Rohde Nielsen A/S completed three exciting maintenance dredging projects in the Port of Esbjerg, Denmark.

Rohde Nielsen

First out of three was the Project Grådyb. There, Rohde Nielsen removed around 230.000 m3 of non-contaminated dredged sediment from the fairway channel entrance leading to Port of Esbjerg.

Next one was the Project Basin that included dredging approximately 26.000 m3 of non-contaminated soft silt material from two basins in Esbjerg.

Finally, Project Ren Havn covered the dredging of contaminated and highly contaminated soft silt coming from the oldest and most contaminated basins in Port of Esbjerg.

The highly contaminated soil was carefully removed using environmental grabs to avoid any spillage. Hereafter the areas were filled with clean sand, while the contaminated soil was transported 1,5 km to a designated treatment facility.

Engaged in the projects were Rohde Nielsen vessels Hugin R, Munin R, Toste R, Tjalfe R, Njord R, Freja R and Sif R.