Thames Vision 2050 up for comment

Business development

The Port of London will, in the coming weeks, organise a series of engagement events as they seek views on Thames Vision 2050, an updated framework for development of the 95 miles of river from Teddington Lock to the North Sea.

Port of London

The original Thames Vison 2035 was published in summer 2016. Now it is being updated, with a new time horizon of 2050.

The three events are as follows:

  • Tuesday 22 June, 6.00 pm – Thames Vision update and discussion, online
    A presentation on Thames Vision progress, and priorities for the refreshed Vision, followed by a discussion with PLA chief executive, Robin Mortimer, before they open for questions to a panel including PLA planning, environment and navigation specialists.
  • Tuesday 29 June, 2.00 pm – Webinar: global factors set to influence the future of the tidal Thames
    This online session will feature initial interventions from international experts in global city development, ship technology, sustainability and resilience. PLA will then open up a panel debate.
  • Tuesday 6 July, 4.30 pm to 6.30 pm, London Rowing Club
    An informal, drop-in session at London Rowing Club, Putney, providing a time to discuss matters of particular interest in the Vision refresh.

Commenting, Robin Mortimer, said: “The Thames is a vital national asset. As the UK’s biggest port, it handles essential supplies, it’s the highway for people and goods in London, a centre for sport and recreation, and a haven for wildlife. As the ultimate shared city space, we want as many people as possible to have opportunity to engage in planning its long-term development.”

“It is no small undertaking to develop an updated Thames Vision, given the transformative change set to be brought through developing ship technology, the transition to a low carbon economy and changing logistics demands. The three public events will provide a chance to debate, find out about the global trends driving developments in river cities like London and an opportunity to drop in for a chat,” added Mortimer.

The initial six-week engagement on Thames Vision 2050, launched last week, will close at midday on Wednesday, 14 July 2021.