RJ McLeod wins Uig contract


A contract for the upgrade of Uig Ferry Terminal on the Isle of Skye has been awarded to RJ McLeod (Contractors) Limited.


The project will include an extended marshalling area, berthing structure strengthening and widening, dredging, linkspan replacement, approach way repair and widening, a relocated new waiting shelter, a new terminal building, etc.

Construction works are anticipated to start in September 2021 and are expected to be complete in Summer 2023.

Chair of the Council’s Skye and Raasay Committee, Cllr John Gordon, said: “This significant investment in Uig harbour infrastructure is a very positive development for Skye and the whole Highlands so I am very pleased that the contract has been awarded and we can look forward to work starting on site.”

Uig Port is owned by the Highland Council.

Working closely with Transport Scotland, Caledonian Maritime Assets Ltd (CMAL), CalMac Ferries Ltd and Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, the ferry terminal will be upgraded with new infrastructure which will improve the ferry service provision at Uig and provide a safer enhanced experience for all ferry and harbour users both now and into the future.