VMI introduces Edge Dredge Calculator


VMI, Inc., the Oklahoma based dredge manufacturer, has just launched the VMI Edge Dredge Calculator – the most up-to-date app geared for the dredging industry.


The app contains a slurry calculator section for quickly converting data into useful information such as cubic yards or meters per hour, to the project section that converts known inputs into pump performance outputs on easy-to-read tables and graphs.

“Due to the wide availability and accessibility of technology today, the VMI Edge Dredge Calculator is what has been missing in our industry. Our app allows the ability to quickly perform critical calculations for business into the hands of everyone from Project Managers to Dredge Operators.” Cash Maitlen, VMI, Inc. President.

The VMI Edge Dredge Calculator full version offers all the same great features as the lite version along with the ability to calculate dredge pump performance and production based on known input data for a project.

By using the Projects section, a customer can quickly get information on an upcoming project such as flow rate at a given pipeline length, production rate at a given pipeline length, limited settling velocity and the specific gravity of the slurry mixture.