River of Life II project VIDEO

Land & Water Group recently presented a video celebrating the completion of the River of Life II scheme.

Earth Trust

This largest wetland habitat creation project of its kind on the River Thames and River Thame was realised through the partnership between Earth Trust, Church Farm Partnership and The Hurst Water Meadow Trust.

“Having been appointed in 2019 by Earth Trust, Land & Water has been committed towards using its expertise and skillset to ensure this scheme became a reality,” commented Project Manager, Tom Cartmel.

At four locations along the River Thames floodplain in Oxfordshire, the project team created 16 ponds, seven backwater channels and 1.6 hectares of woodland covering 46,000m2 which will help support the local ecology and increase biodiversity.

“Not only does this unique wetland landscape support the evolution of local wildlife, it is also plays an incredibly important role in carbon sequestration whilst acting as a natural flood management solution,” added Cartmel.

View on Youtube.