New Damen CSD350 begins its journey


New Damen’s cutter suction dredger CSD350 is on its way to Brazil.


This new cutter suction dredger is a sister vessel to the dredger Amsterdam that was delivered to the Brazilian company Construtora Vale Verde in 2019.

The Holanda is a fully dismountable, stationary dredger fitted out for one-man operation and will join Amsterdam to work in tailing ponds in one of the mining regions of Brazil.

Damen photo

“The CSD350 Holanda has been loaded on trucks on a misty Dutch morning, heading for Antwerp. There, the disassembled cutter suction dredger was hoisted on board of a freight vessel,” the company said in their latest announcement.

Damen photo

The dredger is now on its way to Brazil, said Damen.

Upon arrival, the dredge will be transported by truck to the job site.