Hopper dredge Tommy Norton

Gippsland Ports to continue beneficial reuse of dredge materials

Research & Development

Over the last 6 months, Port and Coastal Solutions (PCS) have been working with Gippsland Ports (Victoria) on a project to support the future long-term dredging permits and consents at the Port of Gippsland Lakes.

PCS/Gippsland Ports

The local Authority owns and operates a trailing suction hopper dredge and a cutter suction dredge which both undertake year round dredging at the port.

Recent assessment conducted by PSC have shown that the current placement of dredged sand by the dredgers, either to the nearshore of the adjacent beaches through a Sand Transfer System (STS) or to the Dredge Material Grounds (DMGs) located further offshore through bottom door placement, constitutes a beneficial reuse to the adjacent beaches.

According to PSC, potential future refinements to the placement of sand to maximise the beneficial reuse have been suggested and modifications to the dredge design are being considered with the aim of optimising dredging operations and navigability.

The company concluded that it was an exciting project as the flexibility of the port undertaking their own maintenance dredging allows them to trial and review alternative placement options and dredge designs, increasing the likelihood of any refinements and modifications being implemented in the long-term.