MMO gives consent to Lowestoft LEEF

Marine Management Organisation (MMO) recently granted a marine licence to Associated British Ports (ABP) for the development of the Lowestoft Eastern Energy Facility (LEEF).

This followed a period of collaboration and joint working, beginning in November 2020, when ABP applied to the MMO to conduct an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for reconstruction of the existing quay in the Outer Harbour at the Port of Lowestoft.

“We aim to provide a friendly and supportive service to all marine licence applicants and this case is a good example of how positive outcomes can be achieved by working together,” said Adam Chumbley, MMO Marine Licensing Manager.

“Our role in licensing marine development is to provide solutions that protect the sea and deliver environmental, economic and societal benefits. Enabling sustainable marine activities and development actively supports the government’s ambitions in its 25 Year Environment Plan and supports economic growth for the UK economy.”

The proposed works also required a capital dredge of the approach channels and a maintenance dredge and disposal programme to be put in place once construction was completed.