Officials tour Old Fort Niagara coastal resiliency project


The Great Lakes Inspection Team from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers toured the latest USACE Buffalo District coastal resiliency project at Old Fort Niagara along Lake Ontario earlier this week.


Considerable erosion is occurring along the fort’s northern shoreline, impacting the existing masonry seawall and concrete capped sheet pile footer.

Developing a plan to reduce erosion at this site will protect the fort’s historic 18th and 19th century structures, preserving landmarks listed on the National Register of Historic Places and the New York State Historic Site register.

The proposed Old Fort Niagara project will include installation of an armor stone revetment with mechanically stabilized earth and vegetative plantings. 

Two-layer armor stone would be placed on top of underlayment stone and bedding stone on top of an slope planned for front of the eroding bluff.

This project represents a growing list of shore work now taking place in the county.